Home of Stitch & Zip™ Kits

1,800+ Handpainted Canvases

Wholesale ONLY

Thanks for visiting our website! While navigating through the pages of our beautiful needlepoint designs, we encourage you to open your minds to the amazing needlepoint projects that can be created with our products.

Alice Peterson Company was founded in 1974 and is now owned by Stephanie Ruetz, a 24-year member of the needlepoint industry. Stephanie proudly continues the legacy of her mother, Cathy Rapoza, who owned Alice Peterson Company from 2001 to 2024, by embracing the ever-evolving design trends within our industry. Stephanie brings a new edge in curating designs and products to continue offering the best products for the needlepoint industry.

Our needlepoint line has many styles of products for every age and skill level. At Alice Peterson Company, we stand behind the quality of our products 100% – No questions asked.

HOT Items for 2024Browse All

Item #: AP4671
Item #: AP4672


Designer Donuts

Item #: AP4707
Item #: AP4710


Floral Snake

Item #: AP4730

Gayla Elliott Designs

Alice Peterson is the Exclusive Distributor of Gayla Elliott Designs

The “Stitching Girl” Series

Introduced in 2021, The “Stitching Girl” Series of designs by Gayla Elliott has been wildly popular. Each scene in the series represents a stage of life, occupation or activitiy anyone can relate to! PLUS, the designs are stunning!

Pictured: Stitched version of GEP307 – Stitching Girl Laundry

View Stitching Girl Designs

This year, we introduced three (3) new Stitch & Zip™ sets to the line: Hummingbird, Flowers & Bees, and Striped Monogram. Each are available in Cosmetic Purse, Eyeglass Case and Coin Purse sizes.

2024 Stitch & Zip Kits™

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